1. 个人信息
姓名:陈然 职称:副研究员
性别:男 学历:工学博士
籍贯:湖北武汉 政治面貌:中共党员
专业:液晶材料与器件 职务:办公室主任(国合基地)
联系方式:18729557549;E-mail: tradchenr@xust.edu.cn
2. 学习、教学及工作经历
2023年11月–至今 伟德BETVLCTOR1946 副研究员
2022年12月–2023年11月 陕西师范大学 副研究员
2020年08月–2023年11月 陕西师范大学 博士后
2023年05月 陕西师范大学任教材料化学专业《功能材料综合实验》课程
2022年12月 陕西师范大学任教新能源专业《新能源材料制备与器件组装》课程
2015年09月 西北大学现代学院任教应用化学专业《高分子化学》课程
2015年03月 西北大学现代学院任教应用化学专业《有机波谱分析》课程
2017年9月–2019年9月 美国中佛罗里达大学 联合培养博士 光学
2015年9月–2019年12月 陕西师范大学 博士 材料物理与化学
2012年9月–2015年7月 陕西师范大学 硕博连读 材料学
2008年9月–2012年7月 江汉大学 本科 化学工程与工艺(国家一流本科建设专业)
3. 研究领域与科研成果
自2012年以来,跟随安忠维教授从事功能液晶材料设计与合成、液晶与太阳能电池器件以及功能材料理论计算等方面的研究,目前主持科研项目8项(包括国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目1项和陕西省重点研发计划项目1项),作为骨干成员参与国家自然科学基金、教育部装备预研基金、陕西省国际联合基金等7项,液晶光电器件相关校企项目4项;指导2项国家级“老员工创新创业训练计划项目”和1项院级“材料学子”科研项目。同时,曾于2017年9月至2019年9月在美国中佛罗里达大学(CREOL中心)进行博士联合培养2年,导师是吴诗聪院士。迄今,以第一作者/通讯作者身份在“Adv. Mater., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Opt. Mater., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, J. Mater. Chem. C”等国际知名期刊上发表学术论文30余篇,参编科学出版社《液晶合成与液晶材料》专著一本,授权国家发明专利10余项(其中成果转让4项),连续2年获国际显示SID会议资助并作口头报告。多项研究成果被MaterialsViews、WileyChem、AdvanceScienceNews和腾讯网等多家媒体作为亮点报道。与美国中佛罗里达大学、西北工业大学、陕西师范大学、北京理工大学、西安近代化学研究所以及西安彩晶光电科技股份有限公司等国内外高校、研究所、企业保持密切合作关系。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,62105194,快速响应AR显示用二氟乙烯端基液晶稀释剂的制备及性能,2022.01-2024.12,项目主持人.
2. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助,2022T150394,高清增强现实显示用蓝光稳定硅基液晶材料的合成及性能研究,2022.08-2024.08,项目主持人.
3. 陕西省重点研发计划项目,2024GX-YBXM-409,毫秒响应硅基液晶材料的制备、性能研究及其AR显示应用,2024.01-2025.12,项目主持人.
4. 陕西师范大学博士后科研启动费,增强现实显示用高双折射率液晶材料的制备及其应用,2020.08-2023.08,项目主持人.
5. 横向项目(技术开发),2023JT017,全息三维显示用快响应液晶材料的开发,2022.10-2023.08,项目主持人.
6. 教育部中央高校科研项目,GK202103054,增强现实显示中快速响应液晶材料的制备及性能研究,2021.01-2022.12,项目主持人.
7. 教育部中央高校科研项目,GK201704008,新型二苯乙炔类端烯液晶分子的合成及性能研究,2017.01-2018.12,项目主持人.
8. 教育部中央高校科研项目,GK201504008,新型含氟二苯乙炔类液晶材料合成及其在液晶光学中的应用,2015.01-2016.12,项目主持人.
9. 国家级老员工创新创业训练计划项目,S202210718036,聚集诱导发光液晶材料的制备及其隐藏式标记纸质文物研究,2022.04-2023.05,项目指导老师.
10. 国家级老员工创新创业训练计划项目,S202110718044,快响应相位型LCoS器件用液晶材料的制备及性能研究,2021.04-2022.05,项目指导老师.
11. 院级材料学子科研创新基金项目,CLXZ2206,AIE液晶材料的制备及其性能研究,2022.04-2024.05,项目指导老师.
12. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21673134,双共轭链及取向调控对环状硫脲染料光物理和光伏性能影响研究,2017.01-2020.12,主要参与人.
13. 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目,21543012,环状硫脲双(D-π-A)染料立体控制合成及其捕光、光伏构效关系研究,2016.01-2017.01,主要参与人.
14. 装备预研教育部联合基金项目,6141A02022219,高双折射率液晶材料,2016.01-2017.12,主要参与人.
15. 陕西省科技创新重点创新团队项目,2018TD-030,液晶光学材料与器件研究创新团队,2018.01-2020.12,主要参与人.
16. 陕西省“三秦学者”创新团队项目,陕西师范大学液晶光学材料与器件创新团队,2022.01-2026.12,主要参与人.
17. 陕西省国际科技合作基地,2022GHJD-13,光电材料科学国际联合研究中心,2022.01-2026.12,办公室主任.
18. 陕西省国际联合基金项目,2021KW-20,芳杂环高双折率液晶材料的开发及其AR显示应用研究,2021.01-2022.12,主要参与人.
二、期刊论文 (*为通讯作者,#为共同第一作者,IF为影响因子)
1. Jinghao Ge#, Ran Chen#, Yabin Ma, Yunfan Wang, Yingjie Hu, Lu Zhang, Fengzhu Li, Xiaokang Ma, Sai‐Wing Tsang, Jiaxue You*, Alex K.Y. Jen*, Shengzhong (Frank) Liu*. Kinetics controlled perovskite crystallization for high performance solar cells. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, e202319282. (SCI一区top, online, IF=16.60)
2. Meizi Wu, Hongyan Wang, Yong Li, Ran Chen*, Hui Zhou, Shaomin Yang, Dongfang Xu, Kun Li, Zhongwei An*, Shengzhong (Frank) Liu, and Zhike Liu*. Crystallization Regulation by Self-assembling Liquid Crystal Template Enables Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, e202313472. (SCI一区top, IF=16.60)
3. Yabin Ma, Xinyi Du, Ran Chen*, Lu Zhang, Zhongwei An, Alex K.-Y. Jen, Jiaxue You*, Shengzhong (Frank) Liu*. Understanding microstructural development of perovskite crystallization for high performance solar cells. Adv. Mater. 2023, 2306947. (SCI一区top, IF=29.40)
4. Xinyi Du, Lu Zhang, Ran Chen*, Jiaxue You*, Yabin Ma, Jungang Wang, Yin Wu, Baibai Liu, Kui Zhao, Jiangzhao Chen, Xinbing Chen, Zhongwei An, Shengzhong (Frank) Liu*. Spontaneous Interface Healing by a Dynamic Liquid-Crystal Transition for High-Performance Perovskite Solar Cells. Adv. Mater. 2022, 2207362. (SCI一区top, IF=29.40)
5. Jiaojiao Liu*, Junchang Yang, Yuhu Li, Daodao Hu, Ran Chen*. Effect of glycerol triglycidyl ether on the dimensional stability and flexibility of photographic gelatine films. Herit. Sci. 2023, 11, 49. (SCI一区top, IF=2.50)
6. Pengjuan Zhou, Jianying Liang, Bobing Lin, Zhongwei An*, Ran Chen*, Xinbing Chen, Qi An, Pei Chen. Effect of the Spatial Configuration of Donors on the Photovoltaic Performance of Double D−π−A Organic Dyes. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 40648–40655. (SCI一区top, IF=10.38)
7. Ran Chen, Yun-Han Lee, Tao Zhan, Kun Yin, Zhongwei An, Shin-Tson Wu*. Multistimuli-responsive self-organized liquid crystal Bragg gratings. Adv. Opt. Mater. 2019, 7(9), 1900101. (SCI一区top, IF=10.05, ESI高被引论文)
8. Ran Chen, Yi Jiang, Jian Li, Zhongwei An*, Xinbing Chen, Pei Chen. Dielectric and optical anisotropy enhanced by 1,3-dioxolane terminal substitution on tolane-liquid crystals. J. Mater. Chem. C 2015, 3, 8706–8711. (SCI一区top, IF=8.07)
9. Ran Chen*, Junyu Zou, Zihao Mao, Zhongwei An, Pei Chen, Xinbing Chen*. Terminal groups enhance the birefringence and dielectric anisotropy of fluorinated terphenyl liquid crystals for AR displays. J. Mol. Liq. 2024, 397, 124162. (SCI二区top, IF=6.63)
10. Ran Chen, Jiaxing Tang, Zihao Mao, Xinbing Chen, Pei Chen, Zhongwei An*. High-∆n tolane-liquid crystal diluters with low melting point and low rotational viscosity. J. Mol. Liq. 2024, 398, 124312. (SCI二区top, IF=6.63)
11. Chenhe Yao, Jiaxing Tang, Ran Chen*, Zihao Mao, Xinbing Chen, Pei Chen, Zhongwei An*. Bis-tolane liquid crystals terminated by 2,2-difluorovinyloxyl with high birefringence and large electrical anisotropy. J. Mol. Liq. 2023, 375, 121369. (SCI二区top, IF=6.63)
12. Ran Chen, Lu Wang, Zhongwei An*, Xinbing Chen, Pei Chen. Fluorination improves the mesomorphic and photovoltaic performance of rod-like liquid crystal molecules. Dyes Pigments 2023, 215, 111301. (SCI二区top,IF=5.12)
13. Jiaxing Tang, Zihao Mao, Zhongwei An*, Ran Chen*, Xinbing Chen, Pei Chen. Difluorovinyl Liquid Crystal Diluters Improve the Electro-Optical Properties of High-∆n Liquid Crystal Mixture for AR Displays. Molecules 2023, 28, 2458. (SCI二区, IF=4.60)
14. Ran Chen#, *, Zihao Mao#, Zhongwei An, Xinbing Chen*, Pei Chen. Fluorination Improves the Electro-Optical Properties of Benzoxazole-Terminated Liquid Crystals in High Birefringence Liquid Crystal Mixtures: Experimental and Theoretical Investigations. Molecules 2023, 28, 3019. (SCI二区, IF=4.60)
15. Jiaojiao Liu, Ran Chen∗, Junchang Yang, Yuhu Li, Daodao Hu*. Historical photo curling and fracture mainly caused by the surface performance change of gelatin resulting from alternating dry-wet environment. J. Cult. Herit. 2023, 61, 57–64. (SCI二区, IF=3.10)
16. Ran Chen, Liang Zhao, Yannanqi Li, Jian Li, Pei Chen, Xinbing Chen*, Zhongwei An*. High birefringence liquid crystals with a wide temperature range and low melting point for augmented reality displays. Mater. Adv. 2023, 4, 2119–2126. (SCI, IF=5.00)
17. Ran Chen#, Bobing Lin#, Jianying Liang, Zhongwei An*, Xinbing Chen, Pei Chen. Effect of the spatial configuration of donors on the photovoltaic performance of co-adsorbent organic dyes formed by Z/E configuration. Opt. Mater. 2023, 141, 113922. (SCI三区, IF=3.90)
18. Jiaxing Tang, Ran Chen*, Zhongwei An*, Xinbing Chen, Pei Chen. Millisecond-response nematic liquid crystal for augmented reality displays. Photonics 2023, 10, 1062. (SCI三区,IF=2.40, Liquid Crystals in Photonics专题约稿)
19. Jiaxing Tang, Chenhe Yao, Zhongwei An*, Ran Chen*, Zihao Mao, Xinbing Chen, Pei Chen. Balance the trade-offs between high birefringence, large dielectric anisotropy and low viscosity in nematic liquid crystals through molecular splicing strategy. Liq. Cryst. 2023, 50, 1902–1910. (SCI三区,IF=3.08)
20. Ran Chen, Wenjing Zhao, Xinbing Chen, Pei Chen, Zhongwei An*. Synthesis and properties of biphenyl liquid crystal diluters terminated by 2,2-difluorovinyloxyl for high birefringence liquid crystals. Liq. Cryst. 2023, 50, 2259–2267. (SCI三区,IF=3.08)
21. Ran Chen, Zihao Mao, Jiaxing Tang, Xinbing Chen, Pei Chen, Zhongwei An*. Synthesis and performance evaluation of fluorinated biphenyl diluters for high birefringence liquid crystals. Liq. Cryst. 2023, 50, 2306–2313. (SCI三区,IF=3.08)
22. Yongliang Liu, Shengbo Zhu*, Yilin Su, Ran Chen*, Wenzhi Zhang, Xiaoling Niu, Weixing Chen, Xinbing Chen, Zhongwei An. Solution-type electrochromic devices based on D-π-D thiophene derivatives. Mater. Today Commun. 2022, 33, 104910. (SCI三区, IF=3.66)
23. Ran Chen, Lu Wang, Zhongwei An*, Xinbing Chen*, Pei Chen. Effect of π-conjugation units on the liquid crystal and photovoltaic performance of heterocyclic pyridine-based compounds. Liq. Cryst. 2021, 48, 2178–2187. (SCI三区, IF=3.08)
24. Shengbo Zhu#, *, Ran Chen#, Wenzhi Zhang, Xiaoling Niu, Weixing Chen, Lingchao Mo, Minggang Hu, Lu Zhang, Jian Li*, Xinbing Chen, Zhongwei An*. Dissecting terminal fluorinated regulator of liquid crystals for fine-tuning intermolecular interaction and molecular configuration. J. Mol. Liq. 2020, 310, 113225. (SCI二区, IF=6.63)
25. Ran Chen, Yuge Huang, Jian Li, Minggang Hu, Juanli Li, Xinbing Chen, Pei Chen, Shin-Tson Wu*, Zhongwei An*. High-frame-rate liquid crystal phase modulator for augmented reality displays. Liq. Cryst. 2019, 46(2), 309–315. (SCI二区,IF=3.08)
26. Ran Chen#, Qiang Weng#, Zhongwei An*, Shengbo Zhu, Qi Wang, Xinbing Chen, Pei Chen. Investigation of 4-pyridyl liquid crystals on the photovoltaic performance and stability of dye sensitized solar cells by the co-sensitization. Dyes Pigments 2018, 159, 527–532. (SCI二区top,IF=5.12)
27. Ran Chen, Yuanyuan Qin, Zhongwei An*, Xinbing Chen, Pei Chen. The effect of phenyl ring on the physical properties of liquid crystals containing 4-pyridyl terminal group. Liq. Cryst. 2018, 45(12), 1825–1833. (SCI二区,IF=3.08)
28. Ran Chen, Qiang Weng, Lu Wang, Zhongwei An*, Xinbing Chen, Pei Chen. The effect of intermolecular actions on the nematic phase range of tolane-liquid crystals. Liq. Cryst. 2018, 45(5), 783–792. (SCI二区,IF=3.08)
29. Ran Chen, Zhongwei An*, Wenliang Wang*, Xinbing Chen, Pei Chen. Lateral substituent effects on UV stability of high-briefringence liquid crystals with the diaryl-diacetylene core: DFT/TD-DFT study. Liq. Cryst. 2017, 44(10), 1515–1524. (SCI二区,IF=3.08)
30. Ran Chen, Liang Zhao, Zhongwei An*, Xinbing Chen, Pei Chen. Synthesis and properties of allyloxy-based tolane-liquid crystals with high negative dielectric anisotropy. Liq. Cryst. 2017, 44(14), 2184–2191. (SCI二区,IF=3.08)
31. Ran Chen, Zhongwei An*, Wenliang Wang*, Xinbing Chen, Pei Chen. Improving UV stability of tolane-liquid crystals in photonic applications by the ortho fluorine substitution. Opt. Mater. Express 2016, 6(1), 97–105. (SCI二区,IF=2.67)
32. Ran Chen, Zhongwei An*, Feng Li, Xinbing Chen, Pei Chen. Synthesis and physical properties of tolane liquid crystals containing 2,3-difluorophenylene and terminated by a tetrahydropyran moiety. Liq. Cryst. 2016, 43(4), 564–572. (SCI二区,IF=3.08)
33. Ran Chen, Zhongwei An*, Xinbing Chen, Pei Chen. Syntheses and properties of four-ring liquid crystals with ethylene and internal alkyne bridge. Chem. J. Chinese U. 2014, 35(7), 1433–1438. (SCI四区,IF=0.99)
1. 2023.03.31~04.03, 2023 International Conference on Display Technology,中国南京,口头报告,报告题目“An Essential Role of Diluters on the Fast Response Time for High Birefringence Liquid Crystals”。EI会议论文(SID Symp. Digest 2023, 54(S1), 336-339)。
2. 2019.05.12~05.17, 2019 Display Week International Symposium,美国圣何塞,口头报告,报告题目“Fast-response polarization volume gratings for AR/VR displays”。EI会议论文(SID Symp. Digest 2019, 50(1), 838-841)。
3. 2018.05.22~05.27, 2018 Display Week International Symposium,美国洛杉矶,口头报告,报告题目“High-birefringence liquid crystal for Phase-only spatial light modulators”。EI会议论文(SID Symp. Digest 2018, 49(1), 674-677)。
4. 2018.09.16~09.23, XXII Conference of Liquid Crystals, Chemistry, Physics and Applications CLC’2018,波兰加茨比亚,口头报告,报告题目“High Birefringence Liquid Crystals with Wide Temperature Range and Low Viscosity”。
5. 2017.05.05~05.07,第六届液晶光子学国际会议,中国天津,海报展示,报告题目“Nematic Liquid Crystals with a Pyridine Terminal Group as Dye Sensitizers for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”。
1. 陈新兵, 安忠维, 陈沛, 陈然, 杜盛华, 等.《液晶合成与液晶材料》, 科学出版社, 2022, ISBN: 978-7-03-072157-0. (参编五章)
1. 陈然,安忠维,秦元元,陈新兵,陈沛. 一种用于高双折射率液晶的含侧氟型联苯稀释剂及其合成方法,授权专利,ZL 201711080036.5,2021-01-29.
2. 陈然,游家学,杜昕佚,刘生忠,安忠维,陈新兵. 一种利用液晶动态转变自发界面愈合制备钙钛矿太阳能电池的方法,公开专利,CN115498116A,2022-12-20.
3. 陈然,唐佳兴,安忠维,陈新兵,陈沛. AR显示用快响应液晶组合物及制备方法,公开专利,CN116120942A,2023-05-16.
4. 安忠维,陈然,赵亮,陈新兵,陈沛.一种用于高双折射率液晶的含侧氟型二苯乙炔稀释剂及其合成方法,授权专利,ZL 201711037448.0, 2021-02-09.
5. 安忠维,陈然,陈新兵,陈沛. 双环己基乙撑基取代二苯炔液晶化合物及其制备方法,授权专利,ZL 201310712745.6, 2015-08-19.(完成专利成果转让)
6. 安忠维,陈然,陈新兵,陈沛. 一种1-氟-3-[2-(反式-4-烷基环己基)乙基]苯的合成方法,授权专利,ZL 201410168832.4, 2015-08-19. (完成专利成果转让)
7. 安忠维,陈然,陈新兵,陈沛. 含缩醛环的液晶化合物及其制备方法,授权专利,ZL 201510131133.7, 2016-10-26. (完成专利成果转让)
8. 安忠维,陈然,王璐,陈新兵,陈沛. 一种含吡啶末端基二苯乙炔类液晶分子及其制备方法和应用,授权专利,ZL 201610828612.9, 2018-08-24.(完成专利成果转让)
9. 安忠维,陈然,马雯燕,陈新兵,陈沛. 一种含吡啶末端基炔类液晶化合物及其制备方法和应用,授权专利,ZL 201610829213.4, 2018-08-24.
1. 2023年获得陕西高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果奖二等奖1项;
2. 2023年受邀担任Polymers(IF:5.0)学术期刊专刊编辑;
3. 2019年获得美国显示周国际会议奖励,SID 2019 Student Travel Grant;
4. 2018年获得美国显示周国际会议奖励,SID 2018 Student Travel Grant;
5. 2017年获得中国国家留学基金委(CSC)留学奖学金;
6. 2015年获得陕西省第二届研究生创新成果展暨创新成果洽谈会优秀成果一等奖;
“Journal of Molecular Liquid, Journal of Molecular Structure, Liquid Crystals, Energy & Fuels, New Journal of Chemistry, Optical Materials Express, Crystals, Science of Advanced Materials, 应用化学”等多个学术期刊审稿人。