孙万昌,博士,教授。获西北工业大学工学博士学位,清华大学博士后。中国机械工程学会工程陶瓷专业委员会理事,中国材料研究学会高级会员,中国航空学会材料工程分会会员,陕西省“材料科学与工程专业教学团队”骨干成员,伟德BETVLCTOR1946研究生教育督导专家,伟德BETVLCTOR教授委员会委员,西安科技大学材料加工工程学科带头人,材料科学与工程系主任。教育部学位中心学位论文评审专家,《热加工工艺》期刊编委,Materials Science and Engineering A、Surface and Coatings Technology、Applied Surface Science、Corrosion Science、Wear、无机材料学报、航空学报、摩擦学学报、硅酸盐学报等国内外学术期刊论文审稿专家。
E-mail:sunwcxa@163.com Tel:029-85587373
通信地址:陕西省西安市雁塔中路58号 伟德BETVLCTOR 710054
主要涉及极薄高强韧锂电铜箔、多孔铜箔及动力电池应用;超低轮廓(HVLP)铜箔及 5G 基站以及高频高速通讯设备的应用;高性能铜箔生产/后处理设备及关键零部件的研发及应用。
近年来,先后承担主讲本科生《材料力学性能》(精品课程)、《材料科学与工程学科概论》、《科技论文写作》及研究生《材料合成与制备》(精品课程,双语教学)和《先进复合材料学》(精品课程)等课程的教学工作。主持承担各类科研及教学改革研究项目20余项,先后在Materials Science and Engineering A、Corrosion Science、Surface and Coatings Technology、Wear、Appl. Phys. A、J. Appl. Phys.、J of Rare Earths、无机材料学报、稀有金属材料与工程、摩擦学学报、中国有色金属学报、硅酸盐学报、航空学报、人工晶体学报等国内外知名学术期刊发表学术论文100余篇,其中SCI、EI收录90余篇,以第一发明人授权国家发明专利7项,申请国家发明专利4项,主编《先进材料合成与制备》研究生教材1部(高等教育“十二五”规划教材,化学工业出版社出版)。指导的苗春雨、佘晓林、张佩和王渊同学先后获得2013年度(首届)、2014年度、2015年度和2017年度“研究生国家奖学金”奖励及称号,苗春雨和张亚刚硕士论文先后荣获2013年、2022年“伟德BETVLCTOR1946优秀硕士学位论文”称号,刘豫皖同学荣获“2023年伟德BETVLCTOR1946研究生优秀毕业生”称号。科研项目“高性能C/C复合材料制备及应用技术研究”获国防科学技术一等奖(国防科工委)。
1. Cong-xiao Zhang, Wan-chang Sun et al. Effects of particle size and content of cladding powder on in situ synthesized WC-reinforced Ni-based cladding layers, INTERNATIONAL JOUNAL OF APPLIED CERAMIC TECHNOLOGY, 2023.11.
2. Ya-peng Jia, Wan-chang Sun et al. Microstructure and Properties of Porous Copper Foils with High Specific Surface Area Prepared by Electrodeposition, JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, 2023.10.
3. Yan Xiao, Wan-chang Sun et al. Effect of additives on microstructure and properties of the coarsened layer of very low profile (HVLP) copper foil, JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROCHEMISTRY, 2023.9.
4. Ya-peng Jia, Wan-chang Sun et al. Effect of rGO concentration on the microstructure and friction behavior of co-doped diamond-like carbon (Ni/N/rGO-DLC) films, DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, 2023.7.
5. Ya-peng Jia, Wan-chang Sun et al. Effect of Poly Dimethyl Diallyl Ammonium Chloride-Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Concentration on the Microstructure and Friction Behavior of Co-Doped Diamond-Like Carbon Films, ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS, 2023.5.
6. Ya-peng Jia, Wan-chang Sun et al. Effect of Rare Earth on the Corrosion Resistance of Electroless Ni-Mo-P Composite Coatings, Materials Research. 2022, 25.
7. Yan Xiao, Wan-chang Sun et al. Electrodeposition, microstructure and tribological performance of Ni/(N) incorporated diamond-like carbon films, Surface and Coatings Technology, 447 (2022) 128876.
8. Yan Xiao, Wan-chang Sun et al. Electrodeposition, microstructure, friction and electrochemical behavior of diamond-like carbon (DLC) films with Ni/Cu interlayer, Surface Innovations,2022.7.
9. Ya-peng Jia, Wan-chang Sun et al. Effect of rare earth on microstructure and corrosion behavior of electroless Ni-W-P composite coatings, Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, 2022, 69, 3, 302-311.
10. Ya-peng Jia, Wan-chang Sun et al. Preparation, Microstructures, and Corrosion Resistance of Ni-Mo-P Ternary Amorphous Coating, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,2022,6.
11. Yan Xiao, Wan-chang Sun et al. Microstructure, wear and corrosion behavior of nano-CeO2 doped diamond-like carbon (DLC) composite films, Diamond and Related Materials, 126 (2022) 109087.
12. Yan Xiao, Wan-chang Sun et al. Electroless of Ni-Mo-P/CNTs Composite Coatings on AZ91D Magnesium Alloy: Corrosion and Wear Resistance, Transactions of the IMF, (2022) 75(8):2117–2127.
13. Yu-wan Liu, Wan-chang Sun et al. Microstructures and corrosion behavior of HVOF-sprayed WC-12%Cr3C2-6%Ni coatings before and after sealing, International Journal of Appl Ceram Technol. 2021;19:383–396.
14. Sha-sha Tian, Wan-chang Sun et al. Effect of Na2WO4 Concentration on the Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Ni-W-P Ternary Alloy Coatings, Materials Research. 2021; 24(4),1-11.
15. Sha-sha Tian, Wan-chang Sun et al. Microstructures and corrosion resistance of conversion film-electroless Ni-W-P ternary coatings on AZ91D magnesium alloy, Transactions of the IMF. 2021, Vol.99, No.6, 292-298.
16. Yu-wan Liu, Wan-chang Sun et al. Microstructures and High-Temperature Friction and Wear Behavior of High-Velocity Oxygen-Fuel-Sprayed WC-12%Co-6%Cr Coatings before and after Sealing, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,2021,9.
17. Ya-gang Zhang, Wan-chang Sun, Ya-ru Dong, Min Ma,Yu-wan Liu, Sha-sha Tian, Yan Xiao, Ya-peng Jia, Electrodeposition and microstructure of Ni and B co-doped diamond-like carbon (Ni/B-DLC) films, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2021, 361: 125-134.
18. Ya-gang Zhang, Wan-chang Sun, Min Ma, Yu-wan Liu, Sha-sha Tian, Yan Xiao, Effect of CeO2 concentration on deposition rate, microstructure and wear behavior of Co-WC composite coatings, Surface Innovations, 2021, Vol. 13(2): 35-43.
19. Ya-gang Zhang, Wan-chang Sun, Min Ma, Sha-sha Tian, Yu-wan Liu, Yan Xiao, Deposition characteristics, microstructure and wear behaviour of Co-WC composite coating, Surface Engineering, 2020, Vol. 26(11): 63-72.
20. Min Ma, Wan-chang Sun, Ya-ru Dong, Ya-gang Zhang, Yu-wan Liu, Sha-sha Tian, Yan Xiao, Electrodeposition of B, Ni co-doped diamond-like carbon films on AZ91D magnesium alloy: Corrosion and wear resistance, Materials and Corrosion, 2020, Vol. 11(10):35-45.
21. Ya-gang Zhang, Wan-chang Sun, Min Ma, Xiao-jia Liu, Effect of MoS2 concentration on microstructure and tribological behavior of electrophoretic-electrodeposited Ni-Co-Al2O3-MoS2 composites, Materials Research, 2020, Vol. 23(5): 101-109.
22. Ya-gang Zhang, Wan-chang Sun, Min Ma, Xiao-jia Liu, Ya-ru Dong, Tribological behavior of co-wc composite coatings, Materials Science Forum, 2019, 15: 198-202.
23. Min Ma, Wan-chang Sun, Ya-gang Zhang, Xiao-jia Liu, Ya-ru Dong, Effect of TiC particles concentration on microstructure and properties of Ni-TiC composite coatings, Mterials Research, 2019,Vol. 22(6): 36-45.
24. Ya-gang Zhang, Wan-chang Sun, Min Ma, Xiao-jia Liu, Ya-ru Dong, Electrodeposition, microstructure and property of Co-WC composite coatings, Materials Research Express, 2019, Vol. 6(12): 112-121.
25. Ya-ru Dong, Wan-chang Sun, Xiao-jia Liu, Zong-wei Jia, Effect of CNTs content on the microstructure and friction behavior of Ni-GO-CNTs composite coatings, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2019, 359: 141-149.
26. Xiao-jia Liu, Wan-chang Sun, Ya-ru Dong, Min Ma, Ya-gang Zhang, Microstructure and corrosion resistance of Ni-P gradient coating/stannate conversion film on magnesium alloy, Journal of Materials Research, 2019, Vol.34,1064-1072.
27. Ya-ru Dong, Wan-chang Sun#, Xiao-jia Liu, Min Ma, Ya-gang Zhang, Electrophoretic- deposition of graphene and microstructure and friction behavior of Ni-Graphene composite coatings, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2019. Vol.21, 2-10.
28. Xiao-jia Liu, Wan-chang Sun, Ya-ru Dong, Min Ma, Ya-gang Zhang, Preparation and Property of Gradient Ni-W-ZrO2 Composite Coating on LY12 Alloy, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2019, Vol.72(5),1187-1199.
29. Zong-wei Jia, Wan-chang Sun, Fang Guo, Ya-ru Dong, Xiao-jia Liu, Microstructure, Friction and Wear properties of Ni-Al2O3-MoS2 composite coatings, RSC Advances, 2018, No.8
30. Wan-chang Sun, Jia-Min Xu, Yuan Wang, Fang Guo, Zong-Wei Jia, Effect of cerium oxide on morphologies and electrochemical properties of Ni-W-P coating on AZ91D magnesium, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2017, No.12
31. Y Wang, W C Sun, J M Xu, F Guo and Z W Jia, High-temperature Oxidation of Electrodeposited Ni-Co-SiC Composite Coatings, IOP Conference Series: Materials science and engineering, 2017, 6
32. Yuan Wang, Wan-chang Sun, Chang-an Wang, Yong Huang, Jia-min Xu, Microstructure, Friction and Wear properties of Ni-Al2O3-MoS2 composite coatings, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2017, No.5
33. Jia-min Xu, Wan-chang Sun, Yuan Wang, Zong-wei Jia, Fang Guo, Influences of MWCNTS Concentration on the Friction and Anti-Wear Behavior of Ni-P Coating, Materials Science and Engineering, 2017, 8.
34. Jia-wei Gu, Wan-chang Sun, Pei Zhang, Jia-min Xu, Fabrication and High-Temperature Friction Behavior and Oxidation Resistance of Ni-Co-ZrO2 Composite Coating, Materials Research, 2016, No.4
35. Pei Zhang , Wan-chang Sun, Pan Li , Xiao-lin She , Effect of short carbon fiber concentration on microstructure and mechanical properties of TiCN-based cermets, Advances in Applied Ceramics, 2016, No.5
36. Miao-miao Tian, Wan-chang Sun, Han-jun Wei, Guan-qun Hou, Ying Wang, Optimization of Plating Processing, Microstructure and Properties of Ni-TiC Coatings Based on BP Artificial Neural Networks, Trans. Indian Inst. Met., 2016,No.8
37. Wan-chang Sun, Zhang Pei, Kun Zhao , Miao-miao Tian, Ying Wang, Effect of graphite concentration on the friction and wear of Ni-Al2O3/graphite composite coatings by a combination of electrophoresis and electrodeposition, Wear, 2015, No.9
38. Sun Wanchang, Zhang Pei, Li Pan, She Xiaolin, Zhao Kun, Phase evolution, microstructure and properties of Y2O3-doped TiCN-based cermets, J of Rare Earths, 2015, No.8
39. Zhang Pei, Sun Wan-Chang, Yang Qing-Hao, Li Pan, She Xiao-Lin. Effects of Ni/Co metal binder phase on mechanical properties of Ti(C,N)-based cermets. Materials Science Forum, 2015, 2
40. Zhang Pei, Sun Wan-Chang, Wei Han-Jun, Miao Chun-Yu, Zhao Kun. Optimization of vacuum hybrid welding process parameters for YG8 cemented carbide and 42CrMo steel using artificial neural networks, Mat. Trans., 2015, No.8
41. Zhang Pei, Sun Wan-chang, Zhang Feng, Dong Chu-xu, Zhang Ju-mei, Cai Hui. Influence of Heat Treatment on Corrosion Resistance of High-Velocity Oxygen-Fuel Sprayed WC-17Co Coating on 42CrMo steel, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2015, No.7
42. Li Pan, Sun Wan Chang, Gao Jun, Zhou Quan, Zhang Pei, Influence of sic content and heat treatment on the corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance of Ni-P-SiC composite coating. Materials Science Forum, 2015, 5
43. P. Zhang, W. C. Sun, F. Zhang, W. W. Hou, K. Zhao. Microstructure and corrosion resistance of Ni-P gradient coatings, Transactions of the IMF, 2015, No.7
44. Qin Shi, Wan-chang Sun, Jun Gao , Ying Wang, Miao-miao Tian, Effects of heat treatment on mechanical properties of Ni-P-CNT composite coating, Materials Science Forum, 2015.4
45. Pan Li, Wan-chang Sun, Jun Gao, Quan Zhou, Pei Zhang, Influence of SiC Content and Heat Treatment on the Corrosion Resistance and Oxidation Resistance of Ni-P-SiC Composite Coating, Materials Science Forum, 2015.4
46. Jun Gao , Wan-chang Sun , Qin Shi, Ying Wang, Miao-miao Tian, Microstructure, Corrosion and Wear Resistance of Co-Ni-ZrO2 Composite Coating, Materials Science Forum, 2015.4
47. P. Zhang, W. C. Sun, M. M. Tian, Y. Wang, C. X. Dong. Influence of Sintering Process on Microstructure and Fracture Behavior of CF/Si3N4 Laminated Ceramic Composites, Advances in Applied Ceramics, 2015, No.4
48. 张佩,孙万昌,李攀,张磊. 改性碳纤维含量对Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷组织结构和力学性能的影响,热加工工艺, 2015,No.10
49. 张佩, 孙万昌,李攀, 佘晓林, 魏汉军, 赵坤, 张峰. 烧结工艺和Y2O3添加量对Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷组织和力学性能的影响,中国有色金属学报,2015,No.5
50. Kun Zhao, Wan-chang Sun, Chun-yu Miao, Hui Cai, Ju-Mei Zhang and Li bin Niu, Microstructure and High-temperature Oxidation of Ni-Si3N4 Composite Coatings by Pulse Electrodeposition. Materials Science Forum , 2015.4
51. Hanjun Wei, Wanchang Sun, Guanqun Hou, Feng Zhang, Qin Shi, Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Optimize Processing-Properties of Ni-TiC Composite Coatings, Materials Science Forum, 2015.4
52. 张峰,孙万昌,张佩. 热处理对HVOF WC-17Co涂层组织结构及耐磨性能的影响,煤炭学报,2015,No.2
53. 张佩,孙万昌,田苗苗,王莹,董储蓄. ZrO2含量及占空比对Ni-Co-ZrO2复合镀层微观组织及耐蚀性的影响,稀有金属与硬质合金,2015,No.6
54. 佘晓林,孙万昌,张磊,李攀,侯冠群. Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷材料的强韧化研究进展,热加工工艺 2014,No.18
55. 魏汉军,孙万昌,侯冠群,赵坤,张峰,石琴. 基于BP神经网络的Ni-Si3N4复合镀层工艺-性能模型预测,人工晶体学报,2014,No.9
56. Chu-xu Dong, Wan-chang Sun, Ju-mei Zhang, Hui Cai, Li-bin Niu, Effects of NaBH4 and Heat-Treat on Corrosion Resistance of Electroless Plating Ni-B Coating, Materials Science Forum, 2014.10
57. Ying Wang, Wan-chang Sun, Hui Cai, Qing-hao Yang, Ju-mei Zhang, Preparation and Tribological Behavior of Ni-P-B4C Electroless Coatings, Materials Science Forum, 2014.10
58. 佘晓林,孙万昌,张磊,李攀,侯冠群,张佩. Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷材料的强韧化研究进展,热加工工艺,2014,No.18
59. 佘晓林,孙万昌,侯冠群,赵坤,李攀,张峰,靖方飞,赵云倩. ZrO2含量对Ni-Co-ZrO2复合镀层显微硬度和耐磨性能的影响,人工晶体学报,2014,No.6
60. 侯冠群,孙万昌,冯佩,刚爽. WC含量对Ni-WC复合镀层摩擦磨损性能的影响,热加工工艺,2014,No.10
61. 刚爽,孙万昌,侯嵬玮,侯冠群. Ni-P合金梯度镀层微观结构及在酸性介质中的耐蚀性能,热加工工艺,2014,No.20
62. Pei Zhang, Wan-chang Sun, Qing-hao Yang, Pan Li, Xiao-lin She, Effects of NiCo Metal Binder Phase on Mechanical Properties of Ti(C,N)-based Cermets, Materials Science Forum, 2014.10
63. Miao-miao Tian, Wan-chang Sun, Qin Shi, Ying Wang, Qing-hao Yang, Influnce of CNTs Concentration on the Microstructure and Electrochemical Properties of Ni-P-MWNTs Composite Coating, Materials Science Forum, 2014.10
64. 孙万昌,黄勇,汪长安. 烧结工艺对CF/SiC层状复合材料断裂行为的影响,稀有金属材料与工程,2013,6
65. 冯佩,孙万昌,侯冠群,佘晓林,刚爽. 稀土钇对Ni-W-ZrO2复合镀层性能的影响,摩擦学学报,2013,No.12
66. 佘晓林,孙万昌,张磊,李攀. 烧结工艺和粘结相对Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷微观组织的影响,热加工工艺,2013,No.12
67. 佘晓林,孙万昌,侯冠群,冯佩,刚爽. 脉冲沉积占空比对Ni-Co-ZrO2复合镀层摩擦磨损性能的影响,稀有金属材料与工程,2013,6
1. 孙万昌,张佩,李攀,一种高强韧Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷复合材料及其制备方法,2017年,国家发明专利
2. 孙万昌,汪长安,黄勇,一种碳纤维/碳化硅梯度层状复合材料的制备方法,国家发明专利,2016年
3. 孙万昌,佘晓林,李攀,一种抗高温耐磨损 Ti(C,N)金属陶瓷复合材料的制备方法,国家发明专利,2015年
4. 孙万昌,丁晋,一种在W18Cr4V钢表面制备Co-WC复合镀层的方法,国家发明专利,2015年
5. 孙万昌,周泉,侯嵬玮,一种Ni-P-CNT纳米复合涂层的制备方法,国家发明专利,2015年
6. 孙万昌,苗春雨,一种硬质合金与合金钢的钎焊/扩散焊复合焊接方法,国家发明专利,2014年
7. 孙万昌,侯嵬玮,一种Ni-P合金梯度涂层的制备方法,国家发明专利,2014年
1. 先进材料合成与制备,“十二五”研究生规划教材(主编),化学工业出版社
2. 科研项目“高性能C/C复合材料制备及应用技术研究”获国防科学技术一等奖(国防科工委)。