罗欢,女,工学博士,伟德BETVLCTOR讲师。2021年6月年获得法国贝尔福-蒙贝利亚技术大学(UTBM)材料学工学博士学位,师从Alain Billard教授,2021年7月至2022年5月于法国国家科学研究中心(FEMTO-ST, UMR 6174 CNRS)从事博士后工作,主要从事MAX相抗氧化防护涂层与强韧耐磨一体化碳/氮基涂层相关研究;先后主持欧盟地平线H2020项目1项,陕西省自然科学基金青年项目1项、伟德BETVLCTOR1946高层次人才启动项目1项,企业横向项目1项;在Plasma Sources Science and Technology,Journal of the European Ceramic Society,Journal of Materials Processing Technology,Ceramics International,Surface & Coatings Technology等本领域重要学术期刊发表SCI论文二十余篇。
1. 强韧耐磨一体化碳/氮基涂层的设计构筑;
2. MAX相涂层的取向调控与抗氧化性能;
3. 外场辅助磁控溅射技术及其半磁化等离子体放电机理。
[1] 陕西省科学技术厅, 陕西省自然科学基金青年项目, 2022JQ-551,项目时间:2022年1月-2023年12月,5万,结题,主持;
[2] 伟德BETVLCTOR1946高层次人才科研启动经费项目,项目时间:2022年1月-2026年12月,60万,在研,主持;
[3] 企业横向,能源控制器关键材料开发及应用,项目时间:2024年1月-2025年12月,20万,在研,主持。
[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目时间:2023年1月-2027年12月,在研,参与。
[1] Luo, H., Sun, H., Yuan, L., Wang, P., Zhao, X., Briois, P., Billard, A. (2024). Tailoring the microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties and oxidation resistance of (AlTiCrVTa)Nx coatings by controlling nitrogen content. Ceramics International. (SCI,一区)
[2] Luo, H., Sun, H., Ye, X., Wang, P., Zhao, X., Briois, P., Billard, A. (2023). Incorporation of SiC on the mechanical properties, tribological performance, and oxidation resistance of HfC-SiC/aC:H coatings prepared by hybrid HiPIMS and pulsed-DC magnetron co-sputtering. Ceramics International, 49(24), 40486-40497. (SCI,一区)
[3] Ye, X., Luo, H.*, Hou, M., Bertrand, P., Billard, A., Briois, P. (2023). Morphological Evolution of La2NiO4 Coatings Synthesized by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering (RMS) at High Pressure as Cathode for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (IT-SOFC). Coatings, 13(6), 1113. (SCI,三区)
[4] Ye, X., Yang, L., Luo, H.*, Bertrand, P., Billard, A., Briois, P. (2022). Synthesis of Yttria Stabilized Bismuth Oxide by DC Reactive Magnetron Sputtering (RMS) for SOFC Electrolyte. Crystals, 12(11), 1585. (SCI,三区)
[5] Wang, P., Hu, K., Luo, H., Zhao, X., Hou, Z., Yi, D., Ren, X. (2024). Oxidation protection performance of ZrB2-LaB6 modified SiC coating at 1700℃. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 44(2), 748-759. (SCI,一区)
[6] Liu, S., Wu, H., Xie, S., Yu, Z., Luo, H., Yazdi, M. A. P., Liao, H. (2023). Effect of stoichiometry conditions on the erosion and sliding wear behaviors of Cr3C2-NiCr coatings deposited by a novel ethanol-fueled HVOF process. Surface and Coatings Technolo gy, 454, 129084. (SCI,一区)
[7] Sun, H., Billard, A., Luo, H., Zheng, W. T., Zheng, X. L., Dai, M. J., Sanchette, F. (2021). Influence of carbon content on the mechanical properties of TiCN-Cu nanocomposite coatings prepared by multi-arc ion plating. Vacuum, 187, 110139. (SCI,二区)
[8] Luo, H.*, Yazdi, M. A. P., Chen, S. C., Sun, H., Gao, F., Heintz, O., Billard, A. (2020). Structure, mechanical and tribological properties, and oxidation resistance of TaC/a-C:H films deposited by high power impulse magnetron sputtering. Ceramics International, 46(16), 24986-25000. (SCI,一区)
[9] Luo H*, Gao, F., Billard, A. (2020). Effect of auxiliary magnetic field on the conformal coverage of the microtrenches in high power impulse magnetron sputtering. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 283, 116732. (SCI,一区)
[10] Luo H*, Sun, H., Gao, F., Billard, A. (2020). Mechanical properties, thermal stability and oxidation resistance of HfC/aC: H films deposited by HiPIMS. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 847, 156538. (SCI,一区)
[11] Luo H*, Gao, F., Billard, A. (2019). Tunable microstructures and morphology of zirconium films via an assist of magnetic field in HiPIMS for improved mechanical properties. Surface and Coatings Technology, 374, 822-832. (SCI,一区)
[12] Luo H*, Minea, T., Gao, F., & Billard, A. (2018). The spoke origin based on the coupling-induced wave model in high-power impulse magnetron sputtering plasma. Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 27(11), 115003. (SCI,一区)
[13] De Monteynard, A., Luo, H., Chehimi, M., Ghanbaja, J., Achache, S., François, M., Sanchette, F. (2020). The structure, morphology, and mechanical properties of Ta-Hf-C coatings deposited by pulsed direct current reactive magnetron sputtering. Coatings, 10(3), 212. (SCI,三区)
[14] Zheng, K., Luo, H., Mu, Z., Li, J., Wei, G. (2015). Parallel TSS-FDTD method for analyzing underwater low-frequency electromagnetic propagation. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 15, 1217-1220. (SCI, 二区)
[15] Zheng, K., Luo, H., Yu, H., Li, J. (2015). A novel 3-D TSS-FDTD for distinguishing underwater targets at low frequency. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 14, 1814-1818. (SCI, 二区)