白钰航,男,工学博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2020年博士毕业于西北工业大学,同年入职伟德BETVLCTOR。2023年在香港城市大学从事访学工作。近年来主要从事先进陶瓷方面的研究,包括空天飞行器热防护部件用超高温陶瓷(HfB2、ZrB2等)的仿生结构增韧、性能测试、服役过程中的烧蚀机理研究;高熵MAX/MAB相、高熵碳化物等材料的瞬时焦耳热制备、微结构表征、电磁波吸收/屏蔽性能研究。作为项目负责人主持国家自然科学基金青年项目(52202069)、中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2022MD713790)、陕西省科技厅基金青年项目(2022JQ-389)、陕西省博士后项目(2023BSHEDZZ315),企业横向课题1项和伟德BETVLCTOR1946高层次引进人才启动项目。荣获西安市科协“青年人才托举计划”称号。在Journal of Advanced Ceramics、Journal of the European Ceramic Society、Carbon、Corrosion Science等本学科重要国际期刊发表SCI论文20余篇(一作/通讯10篇,其中1篇论文入选[J. Am. Ceram. Soc.]期刊年度最佳论文奖《Best Paper Award》)。
Ø 仿生结构强韧化及使役性能评价;
Ø 3D打印(DIW)结构设计、调控、性能评价; 
Ø 新型烧结方法(UHS)及致密化机理;

Ø 高熵材料及其电化学性能研究;

1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目;项目编号:52202069;时间:2023.01-2025.12
2. 中国博士后基金面上项目;项目编号:2022MD713790;时间:2022.08-2024.08
3. 陕西省科技厅基金青年项目;项目编号:2022JQ-389;时间:2022.04-2024.04
4. 陕西省博士后基金项目;项目编号:2023BSHEDZZ315;时间:2023.08-2025.08
5. 西安市科协“青年人才托举计划”项目;项目编号:959202313074;
[1] Bai Yuhang, Li Jinrui, Lu Hai, Liu Jia, Ma Cuiying, et.al. Ultrafast high-temperature sintering of high-entropy oxides with refined microstructure and superior lithium-ion storage performance, Journal of Advanced Ceramics. 2023, 12: 1857-1871.
[2] Bai Yuhang, Wang Peipei, Zhang Baoxi, Du Huiling, Cheng Laifei, Comprehensive oxidation mechanisms of heterogeneous laminated HfB2–SiC/Ti ceramics under oxyacetylene conditions, Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2022, 42: 3107-3117.
[3]: Bai Yuhang, Zhang Baoxi, Du Huiling, Cheng Laifei, Efficient multiscale strategy for toughening HfB2 ceramics: A heterogeneous ceramic-metal layered architecture, Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2021, 104: 1841-1851.
[4]: Bai Yuhang, Ma Yiyuan, Sun Mengyong, Fan Shangwu, Cheng Laifei, Strong and tough ZrB2 materials using a heterogeneous ceramic-metal layered architecture, Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2019, 102: 5013-5019.
[5]: Bai Yuhang, Ma Yiyuan, Sun Mengyong, Cheng Laifei, Fan Shangwu, Sintering temperature effect on microstructure, mechanical and electrical properties of multi-layered ZrB2-based ceramics with thin Ti interlayer, Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2019, 39: 3938-3948.
[6]: Bai Yuhang, Sun Mengyong, Fan Shangwu, Cheng Laifei, Bioinspired tough and strong ZrB2-SiCw/Ti-Nb-Ti hybrid composites with a hierarchical ceramic-metal architecture, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2019, 811: 151993.
[7]: Bai Yuhang, Sun Mengyong, Fan Shangwu, Cheng Laifei, Developing high toughness laminated HfB2-SiC ceramics with ductile Nb interlayer, Ceramics International 2019, 45: 20977-20982.
[8]: Bai Yuhang, Sun Mengyong, Li Mingxing, Fan Shangwu, Cheng Laifei, Comparative evaluation of two different methods for thermal shock resistance of laminated ZrB2-SiCw/BN ceramics, Ceramics International. 2018, 44: 8890-8897.
[9]: Bai Yuhang, Sun Mengyong, Li Mingxing, Fan Shangwu, Cheng Laifei, Improved fracture toughness of laminated ZrB2-SiC-MoSi2 ceramics using SiC whisker, Ceramics International. 2018, 44: 19686-19694.
[10]: Wang Peipei, Bai Yuhang, Zhao Xing, Ren Xuanru, Sun Wanchang, Oxidation protection of CrSi2-HfB2-SiC/SiC coating for graphite in variable-temperature environment, Corrosion Science. 2022, 199: 110165.
[11]: Tang Chen, Yang Jinyi, Deng Weibin, Bai Yuhang, Tang Yufei, Design of ultralight and stable Ti3C2Tx/SiCnw hybrid aerogel with hierarchical structure and heterogeneous interface for electromagnetic wave absorption, Carbon. 2024, 218: 118697.