2017.03-至今 伟德BETVLCTOR1946 副教授
2013.12-2017.02 中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所 高工/博士后
2010.09-2013.11 西安交通大学 博士
2007.09-2010.06 兰州理工大学 硕士
2002.09-2006.06 中北大学 学士
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,51705415,MexNy/Ag纳米多层膜的多循环宽温域连续润滑行为及自适应减摩机理;
[2] 中国博士后科学基金,2014M551784,自适应润滑涂层的设计、制备及宽温域摩擦学行为研究;
[3] 陕西省重点研发计划,2021SF-469,灾害应急救援用便携式可重复使用水袋研发与示范应用;
[4] 陕西省自然基金面上项目,2018JM5072 高温腐蚀还原环境耐磨与润滑一体化涂层及腐蚀磨损强耦合损伤;
[5] 宁波市自然基金,2017A610007,高温腐蚀还原强耦合环境多元超厚CrN基薄膜的损伤机制;
[6] 中科院海洋新材料与应用技术重点实验室开放课题,2018K01,工程化仿生微结构耦合表面改性优化减阻研究;
[7] 陕煤集团神南产业发展有限公司,煤炭装备耐腐蚀与防护关键技术研发;
[8] 灵宝华鑫铜箔有限责任公司,高端电解铜箔研发;
[9] 一汽技术中心,全铝发动机内壁固体润滑涂层技术开发;
[10] 宁波康强微电子技术有限公司,慢走丝切割技术与材料开发、升级;
[11] 赫格纳斯,激光熔覆涂层性能测试;
[12] 铜川欣盛煤机制造有限公司,合金粉末和截齿测试服务,主持;
[13] 伟德BETVLCTOR1946“优秀青年基金”;
[14] 伟德BETVLCTOR1946“科技新星”;
[15] 伟德BETVLCTOR1946高峰计划项目,灾害应急救援用便携式可重复使用水袋研发平台及成果建设。
[1] Eryong Liu*, Weiqi Jing, Xing Zhang, Shuangming Du, Zhixiang Zeng, Lijing Zhu, Huiling Du. Improved thin-film-composite forward-osmosis membrane for coal mine water purification. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2022, 126011.
[2] Weiqi Jing, Shuangming Du, Shu Chen, Eryong Liu*, Huiling Du, Hui Cai. Tribological Behavior of VN-MoS2/Ag Composites over a Wide Temperature Range. Tribology Transactions. 65, (2021): 66-77.
[3] Ze Liu; Eryong Liu*; Shungming Du; Jiahao Zhang; Liping Wang; Huiling Du; Hui Cai. Tribocorrosion behavior of typical austenitic, martensitic and ferritic stainless steels in 3.5% NaCl solution. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 30, (2021): 6284-6296.
[4] Eryong Liu*; Yuan Xue; Yaping Bai; Jibin Pu; Shuangming Du; Huiling Du. Microstructure and tribological properties of sprayed nanostructure Fe-based martensite coating on an aluminum cylinder liner. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 73, (2021): 692-699.
[5] Eryong Liu*; Jiahao Zhang; Shu Chen; Shuangming Du; Huiling Du; Hui Cai; Lianli Wang. High temperature negative wear behaviour of VN/Ag composites induced by expansive oxidation reaction, Ceramics International, 47, (2021): 15901-15909.
[6] Xing Zhang; Zhepeng Zhang; Zhixiang Zeng; Shuangming Du; Eryong Liu*. Superoleophobic grapheme oxide/halloysite nanotube composite membranes for oil- water separation. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 263, (2021): 124347.
[7] Eryong Liu*; Bo Yu; Yuan Xue; Jibin Pu*; Shuangming Du; Huiling Du. Microstructure and mechanical properties of a CrCN/Cr multilayer film. Materials Research Express. 2020, 7(2020): 096406.
[8] Ze Liu; Eryong Liu*; Shuangming Du; Congwei Li; Huiling Du; Yaping Bai. Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and tribocorrosion performance of laser cladding Ni-65 WC coating. Scanning, 2020, 2020: 1-13.
[9] Eryong Liu*; Furong Wang; Shuangming Du; Zhixiang Zeng; Huiling Du; Yaping Bai. Effect of Cr2O3 on the microstructure and tribological performance of sprayed Fe-based coating on cylinder liner. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers-Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2020, 234(3): 435-447.
[10] Eryong Liu*; Yingxin Zhang; Xiang Wang; Zhixiang Zeng; Huiling Du; Hongmei Qin. Tribocorrosion behaviors of thermal spraying WC/Ni60 coated 316L stainless steel in artificial seawater. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2019, 71(6): 741-748.
[11] Ruipeng Gao; Eryong Liu*; Yingxin Zhang; Lufa Zhu; Zhixiang Zeng*. Tribocorrosion Behavior of SAF 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel in Artificial Seawater Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2019, 28(1): 414-422.
[12] Eryong Liu*; Yingxin Zhang; Lufa Zhu; Zhixiang Zeng*; Ruipeng Gao. Effect of strain-induced martensite on the tribocorrosion of AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel in seawater. RSC Advances, 2017, 7(71): 44923-44932.
[13] Eryong Liu*, Longyang Li, Gang Wang, Zhixiang Zeng*, Qunji Xue. Drag reduction through self-texturing compliant bionic materials. Scientific Reports. 2017, 7 :40038.
[14] Eryong Liu, Jibin Pu, Zhixiang Zeng, Yongxin Wang and Wenjie Zhao. Characterization of amorphous/nanocrystalline multilayer Si3N4-Si3N4/Si2N2O films prepared by alternately sputtering. Surface Engineering. 33(2017)633-641.
[15] Xiang Wang, Lufa Zhu, Zhiming Zhou, Gang Liu, Eryong Liu, Zhixiang Zeng, Xuedong Wu. Tribological properties of WC reinforced Ni-based coatings under different lubricating conditions. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 24(2015)1323-1332.
[16] Eryong Liu, Junhong Jia, Yaping Bai, Wenzhen Wang, Yimin Gao. Study on preparation and mechanical property of nanostructured NiAl intermetallic, Materials & Design, 53(2014)596-601.
[17] Eryong Liu, Yimin Gao, Junhong Jia, Yaping Bai, Wenzhen Wang. Microstructures and mechanical properties of in situ NiAl-Mo2C nanocomposites produced by hot-pressing sintering, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 592(2014)596-601.
[18] Eryong Liu, Yimin Gao, Yaping Bai, Gewen Yi, Wenzhen Wang, Zhixiang Zeng, Junhong Jia. Tribological properties of self-lubricating NiAl/Mo-based composites containing AgVO3 nanowires, Materials Characterization, 50(2014)313-322.
[19] Eryong Liu, Yaping Bai, Yimin Gao, Gewen Yi, Junhong Jia. Tribological properties of NiAl-based composites containing Ag3VO4 nanoparticles at elevated temperatures. Tribology International, 50(2014)313-322.
[20] Eryong Liu, Yimin Gao, Junhong Jia, Yaping Bai. Friction and wear behaviors of Ni-based composites containing Graphite/Ag2MoO4 lubricants, Tribology Letters, 50(2013)313-322.
[21] Eryong Liu, Wenzhen Wang, Yimin Gao, Junhong Jia. Tribological properties of Ni-based self-lubricating composites with addition of silver and molybdenum disulfide, Tribology International, 57(2013)235-241.
[22] Eryong Liu, Yimin Gao, Wenzhen Wang, Xiaoliang Zhang, Xiu Wang, Gewen Yi, Junhong Jia. Effect of the Ag2Mo2O7 incorporation on tribological characteristics of adaptive Ni-based composite at elevated temperatures, Tribology Tranctions, 56(2012)469-479.
[23] Eryong Liu, Yimin Gao, Wenzhen Wang, Xiaoliang Zhang, Xiu Wang, Gewen Yi, Junhong Jia. Effect of the synergetic action on tribological characteristics of Ni-Based composites containing multiple-lubricants, Tribology Letters, 47(2012) 399-408.
[24] Eryong Liu, Wenzhen Wang, Yimin Gao, Junhong Jia. Tribological properties of adaptive Ni-Based composites with addition of lubricious Ag2MoO4 at elevated temperatures, Tribology Letters, 47(2012)21-30.
[1] 刘二勇;蔡辉;王丽萍;杜双明;白忠波 一种可动态监控电解铜箔镀液中糖精钠含量的方法,2021-08-21,中国,CN 202110960825.8..
[2] 刘二勇;杜双明;陈佳芯;高瑞鹏;蔡辉 基于声学特性的激光熔覆裂纹在线识别装置及定位方法,2021-05-20,中国,CN 202110550564.2.
[3] 刘二勇; 杜双明; 张杰. 一种旋转激光熔覆系统及其熔覆方法. 2021-03-19, 中国, CN 202110294619.8.
[4] 刘二勇; 杜双明; 张哲鹏; 张兴. 埃洛石纳米管/氧化石墨烯油水分离膜及制备方法和应用. 2020-11-20, 中国, CN 202011305701.8.
[5] 刘二勇; 杜双明; 张兴. 多巴胺及聚乙烯醇复合改性聚砜正渗透膜及制备方法和应用. 2020-11-18, 中国, CN 202011292677.9.
[6] 刘二勇; 杜双明; 陈树. 高温自补偿耐磨材料、设计方法及制备方法 2020-6-23, 中国, CN 202010582548.7.
[7] 刘二勇; 杜双明; 陈树. 宽温域自润滑VN-Ag2MoO4复合材料及其制备方法. 2020-6-23, 中国, CN 202010581856.8.
[8] 리우, 에룡; 젱, 지시앙; 지앙, 질리앙; 쟁, 팡; 왕, 리핑. 미세 결정립 재질 전극 와이어 재료 및 이의 제조 방법과 응용, 20210218, 韩国, 10-2020-7004547.
[9] リウ, アルヨーン; ゼン, ジーシアン; ジエン, ジーリアン; ジェン, ファーン; ワン, リーピン. 鳞状微细组织の电极线材料およびその制造方法と使用, 20210114, 日本, 特愿2017-564789.
[10] Eryong Liu; Zhixiang Zeng; Jiliang Jiang; Fang Zheng; Liping Wang. SCALE-STYLE MICRO-TEXTURE ELECTRODE WIRE MATERIAL AND PREPARATION THEREFOR AND USE THEREOF, 美国, 20201111, 15/554,965.
[11] 刘二勇; 曾志翔; 姜吉良; 郑芳; 王立平. 仿鱼鳞微织构电极丝材料及其制备方法与应, 20200703, 中国, CN 106808037B.
[12] 刘二勇; 薛原; 蒲吉斌; 王永欣; 王立平. 纳米多层活塞环涂层及其制备方法与应用, 20191122, 中国, CN 108070858B.
[13] 刘二勇; 曾志翔; 王刚; 李龙阳; 蒲吉斌; 王立平. 纳米多层氮化硅陶瓷涂层、其制备方法与应用, 20191108, 中国, CN 108265272B.
[14] 刘二勇; 曾志翔; 赵文杰; 薛群基; 王立平. 长效减阻涂层、其制备方法及应用, 20190611, 中国, CN 106811740B.
[15] 曾志翔; 刘二勇; 周军; 范锦鹏; 乌学东,曹慧军. 多孔氮化硅基封孔涂层及其制备方法与应用, 20190301, 中国, CN 106191770B.
[16] 王永欣; 刘二勇; 慕永涛; 王立平. 宽温域自适应润滑涂层及其制备方法与应用, 20190215, 中国, CN 106811725B.