张菊梅,博士,副教授,硕士导师。2010年于西安理工大学伟德BETVLCTOR获工学博士学位。中国材料研究学会高级会员。2016年10月起于澳大利亚新南威尔士大学(The University of New South Wales)访学研究一年。任Surface and Coatings Technology、Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance、Journal of Magnesium and Alloys、稀有金属材料与工程等国内外学术期刊论文审稿专家。
(4)参与,国家自然科学基金项目, 氧化膜在太阳能热发电储能氯化物熔盐中失效机制研究(51201131),2012-09至2015-12
(7))主持,金堆城钼业股份有限公司,钼合金的检测分析,2022.08- 2025.8
(9)主持,国网陕西省电力公司检修公司,国网陕西检修公司1000 kV横山开关站等10站电网大气腐蚀试验,2018.12-2019.12
(10)主持,国网榆林供电公司,2018年国网榆林供电公司110 kV苏家塔变等10站电网大气腐蚀试验,2018.12-2019.12
(11)主持,国网汉中供电公司,2018年国网汉中供电公司110 kV佛坪变等9站电网大气腐蚀试验,2018.12-2019.12
(1)Jumei Zhang*, Duoduo Lian, Mengchun Zhang, Anrong Hou, Jiacheng Li and Teng Zhang. Comparative Study on Corrosion Resistance of Binary and Ternary Layered Double Hydroxide Films on Magnesium Lithium Alloy[J].Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, 2023, 82(2):129-135
(2)Jumei Zhang*, Anrong Hou, Jiacheng Li, Duoduo Lian, Mengchun Zhang and Zhihu Wang. Enhanced corrosion resistance of layered double hydroxides/steam coating composite coating prepared by the hydrothermal method on LA43M magnesium–lithium alloy substrates[J].International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2023, 20:3714-3724.
(3)Jumei Zhang*, Duoduo Lian, Jiacheng Li, Mengchun Zhang,Zhihu Wang,Jingwen Wu and Chaochao Wang. Effect of different anion intercalations on the corrosion resistance of layered double hydroxides on the surface of LA43M[J].Materials and Corrosion-Werkstoffe und Korrosion, 2023, 1-11.
(4)Jumei Zhang*, Anrong Hou, Jiacheng Li, Duoduo Lian, Mengchun Zhang and Zhihu Wang. Improvement of Anticorrosion Properties of LA103Z Mg-Li Alloy Based on Fabricated Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxide Films[J].Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-023-08414-2
(5)Jumei Zhang*, Jiacheng Li, Anrong Hou, Xin Duan, Duoduo Lian, Mengchun Zhang, Teng Zhang. Investigating the microstructures and properties of Mg‐Al LDH film‐coated Mg‐Li alloy:Effect of hydrothermal temperature[J].International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2022, 19: 3062- 3071.
(6)Jumei Zhang*, Xin Duan, Anrong Hou, Jiacheng Li, Duoduo Lian, Mengchun Zhang. In situ growth process and corrosion resistance of a layered double‐hydroxide film on an LA103Z magnesium–lithium alloy[J].Materials and Corrosion-Werkstoffe und Korrosion, 2022, 73: 1099- 1109.
(7)Jumei Zhang*, Jiacheng Li, Anrong Hou, Duoduo Lian, Mengchun Zhang, Zhihu Wang and Teng Zhang. A comparative study and optimization of corrosion resistance of Mg–Al layered double hydroxides films at different hydrothermal temperatures on LA103Z Mg–Li alloy[J].Materials and Corrosion-Werkstoffe und Korrosion, 2022, 74:597-607.
(8)Jumei Zhang*, Anrong Hou, Jiacheng Li, Duoduo Lian, Mengchun Zhang and Zhihu Wang. Enhanced corrosion and wear resistance of LA43M magnesium-lithium alloy with magnesium-aluminum layered double hydroxide coating[J].Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,2022,32(8): 3350-3562
(9)Jumei Zhang*, Kai Wang, Xin Duan, Anrong Hou, Jiacheng Li, Hui Cai. A novel Mg-Al-Co LDH/MAO composite films on LA103Z magnesium-lithium alloy and its active anti-corrosion performance[J].Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, 2021, 80(4):251-257.
(10)Jumei Zhang*, Yang Zhang, Kai Wang, Xin Duan, Hui Cai and Zhihu Wang. Morphology and corrosion resistance of MAO/Mg-Al LDH composite film obtained on LA103Z Mg-Li Alloy at different temperatures[J].Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, 2021,80(1): 6-11.
(11)Jumei Zhang*, Xin Duan, Anrong Hou, Jiacheng Li, Kai Wang, Hui Cai. In situ preparation of Mg-Al-Co layered double hydroxides on microarc oxidation ceramic coating of LA103Z magnesium-lithium alloy for enhanced corrosion resistance[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,2021, 30(11): 8490-8499.
(12)Jumei Zhang*,Yang Zhang, Kai Wang, Xin Duan, Hui Cai and Zhihu Wang. The influence of holding time on morphologies and electrochemical properties of MAO/LDH composite film on LA103Z Mg-Li alloy[J].Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, 2020, 79(3): 166-171.
(13)Jumei Zhang*, Kai Wang, Xin Duan, Yang Zhang, Hui Cai, and Zhihu Wang. Effect of hydrothermal treatment time on microstructure and corrosion behavior of MAO/LDH composite coatings on LA103Z Mg-Li alloy in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution[J].Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2020, 29(6): 4032- 4039.
(14)Jumei Zhang*, Zhihu Wang, Libin Niu, Wanchang Sun. Wear performance of SiC/G coating at elevated temperatures[J]. Ceramics International, 2014, 40:1165- 1170.
(15)Jumei Zhang*, Zhihu Wang, Bailing Jiang, Zishan Chen. Influence of annealing and spheroidizing treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ91 magnesium alloy[J].China Foundry, 2013, 10(1): 34-38.
(16)张菊梅*,侯安荣,李嘉诚,段鑫,王博,连朵朵,张萌春.LA43M 镁锂合金表面水热合成Mg-Al LDH 膜层的耐腐蚀及磨损性能[J]. 表面技术,2022,51(11):318-327.
(17)张菊梅*,李嘉诚,侯安荣,段鑫,王博.LA103Z 镁锂合金表面 Mg-Al-Co LDH/MAO 复合膜层的组织及性能[J].材料热处理学报,2022,43(2):135-142.
(18)张菊梅*,段鑫,王凯,张阳,蔡辉.水热反应温度对LA103Z 镁锂合金表面MAO/LDH 复合膜层微观组织及耐蚀性的影响[J].表面技术,2021,50 (5):261-268,280.
(20)张菊梅*,王凯,段鑫,张阳,蔡辉. LA103Z镁锂合金MAO膜层微观组织及3.5%NaCl溶液中的腐蚀行为研究[J]. 特种铸造及有色合金,2020,40(5):474-480.
(1) 张菊梅,侯安荣。镁锂合金表面致密防腐耐磨SWF/LDHs复合涂层及制备方法,2024.02.20,中国,ZL202310607349.0
(2) 张菊梅,铸态AZ80镁合金中硬脆相β-Mg17Al12转变为连续析出相的复合式热处理方法,2013.2.27-2032.11.12,中国,ZL201210451956.4
(1) 朱明,张菊梅,郭一萍,王志华,材料热处理原理及工艺,中国矿业大学出版社,492千字,2013
(2) 孙万昌,张毓隽,张菊梅,牛立斌,等。先进材料合成与制备,化学工业出版社,791千字,2016
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